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Lamb, chops, 67; croquettes, 67; broiled breast of, 67; cutlets à la Maryland, 68; curry of, 68; in aspic, 86

Lemon blanc mange, 233

Lemon sponge, 214

Lemonade, 204; with seltzer, 206

Lima beans, creamed, 105; escalloped, 114

Liver, creamed, 66; with bacon, 81; breaded with sour sauce, 89; with onion sauce, 89
Lobster, bisque of, 25; broiled, 55; creamed, 55; scramble, 131; omelet, 142
Luncheons, three hundred and sixty-five menus, 243-301

Macaroons, hickory-nut, 235

Mackerel, 36; broiled fresh, 39

March luncheons, 254-259

Marquise pudding, 218

May luncheons, 264-269

Meat balls, German, 87

Meats suitable for luncheon, 65-93

Milk, 202

Mint Sangaree, 206

Mock birds, 83

Muffins, corn, 149; corn and rice, 150; corn and fruit, 151; corn and hominy, 151; Charleston, 152; hominy, 154; plain, 154; cream, 155; buttermilk, 155; blueberry, 155; cerealine, 155; batter, 156; Southern, 156; sour-milk, 156
Mushrooms, broiled, 123; fried, 123; scrambled, 131
Mutton, escalloped, 68; devilled, 69; broiled, 69; à la Marquise, 69; kidney en brochette, 69; broiled cutlets, 80; hash, 81

New York pudding, 239