Page:Evolution and Natural Selection in the Light of the New Church.djvu/17

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TRACTS PUBLISHED BY THE American New Church Tract and Publication Society. '.‘ Thee tracts, uniform in size and style, are neatly printed on fine . paper, and contain from 4 to 3‘2 pages. When ordered singly the price is2eents ach, without regard to the number of pages; 15 copies, 25 cents; 50 copies, 75 cents. ' A liberal dismunt is made to Societies, Associations, and individuals who wish to obtain any of these tracts in quantities for distribution. Xisionaries supplied free of charge with as many as they can use. In order-hp, 9b: amply series and number. ALL ORDERS son NEW CHURCH BOOKS will be promptly supplied by mail or otherwise. Address WM. H. ALDEN, , AGINT FOR THE NEW mm TRACT m PUBLICATION 80013331. ‘ New Church Book-Room, Cor. of Chestnut and Twenty-Sound Streets. PHILADELPHIA. PA.