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was to assist Joseph Katz in tapping the telephone of Joseph Cannon, a Socialist Workers Party functionary. Miller also surveilled as anti-Soviet, David Paul Joffe, whom we have previously investigated. Miller's last contact, according to him, with the Soviets was by Katz. He said this was in 1948, but is is more likely that is was in 1947 as Katz left the United States in early 1948. Miller claims he has stopped Communist Party and espionage activities, It is contemplated that information in greater detail will be secured from Miller in later interfere which will assist is a great deal. We are following this matter very closely.

Zalmond David Franklin

The above individual has been identified as an agent for the MGB in 1944, operated by Katz. Franklin was born September 14, 1909, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our investigation shows that he operated with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain in 1937. Louis F. Budens knew Franklin under the name of "Irving" and according to Budens' book, Franklin operated in Canada as an espionage agent for the Soviets. The   have no information on this and Budans admitted he has no definite facts to substantiate his allegation in his book. We do know from Budens that Franklin's wife, in 1939, was Sylvia Collen, who was used by the Soviets in infiltrating the Trotskyite movement. Franklin is divorced from her at the present time. Jones Orin York, an admitted espionage agent, has also identified Franklin as his espionage superior at one under the name of "Warner." We have an active investigation of Franklin at the present time and may desire to interview him in the near future notwithstanding his possible continued Communist or espionage activity in New York City.

Michael Burd 

As noted above, Robert Owen Menaker, in the mid 1940's worked for the Midland Export Corporation, a firm in New York headed by Michael Burd, now deceased. We now from information secured from   that Burd was acting for the Soviet in trying to get the State Department in 1944 and 1945 to issue transit visas through the United States to Mexico for two Soviet espionage agents, Nicholas and Maria Fisher. Burd was falseley
