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FFC 90
Definition of material.

Every reference in every region under a type is arbitrarily assigned a number. The numbers begin anew for every region, so that additional variants of the type from any region may be added and numbered.

A: after a reference signifies that an analysis of the text cited follows, as "Mt 425 C as 1. CTA p. 66: I d II d (By declaring her love for him)"; or under Mt *860 one finds "as 2. LRAC no 48: Mt *860 + Mt 921 b", signifying that these two tales occur in combination in this sequence in the text of LRAC no 48.

The abbreviation used for "folktale type" is "Mt", which is based on the German "Märchentypus".

The letter and number in brackets following a new motive is the number that motive will bear in Stith Thompson's classification of motives, which has not yet been published.

I am greatly indebted to Stith Thompson for many valuable suggestions and for inserting in my manuscript the numbers pertaining to his forthcoming classification of motives. Above all, I wish to express my deep debt of gratitude to Archer Taylor, at whose suggestion this index of Spanish folktales was begun and with whose constant guidance and untiring help it has been carried to completion.

R. S. B.