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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
945 *A. Money and Fortune decide to test their power on poor man. Money gives him a dollar but he loses it on way to buy bread; a goldpiece, but merchant declares it is counterfeit; 2,000 reales, but robbers take it from him. Fortune comes to his aid and he finds dollar he had lost; merchant finds the goldpiece is not counterfeit and returns it together with cloth to make amends for having wrongly accused him; police capture robbers and his money is returned; he invests it in a mine and gold, lead and iron are found at a shallow depth. So Fortune is master and distributes her favors without rime or reason [N 183]. an 1. CPA p. 69 = WCPA p. 218 = HCVK p. 141 = CST p. 190.
947 *A. The more good man prays, the worse is his fortune. He loses wife, child and money [N 251.1]; but he maintains his devotion to God throughout his life. When he arrives at Heaven, the doors open wide. an 1. COAR p. 108.
*948. Man always has good fortune and becomes wealthy. He gives poor neighbor, who is always followed by bad fortune, 200 reales to go to Fortune's palace for him and tell her he has enough and is satisfied. Neighbor asks for 300 reales but finally must accept one. Fortune replies she will continue to favor man until he dies for that is her will. Neighbor's own Fortune is ugly old hag and he tells her he would send her to the Devil. She replies if he had not caught her asleep, he would never have gotten any money from the rich man [N 111]. an 1. CPA p. 57 = SPE p. 283 = WBVC p. 214 = CST p. 147.

950—974 Thief.

954 *A. Robbers disguised as merchants leave oil barrel in convent. Cook runs short of oil and taps barrel.