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FFC 90
1200—1999 Joke and anecdote.

man's bald head and kills man. He hits fly on mirror and breaks mirror) + Mt *1690 + 1653 A.

*1587. Women busy talking pay no attention to warning cry of "One side, please" of driver and are knocked down by beasts of burden in street. They complain to mayor who has driver play deafmute [J 1175]. The women insist he can talk, for he shouted at them several times. Mayor reproaches them. an 1. FA p. 404.
*1593. Boys dispute as to which one cuckoo addressed itself to. They pay two reales each to lawyer who says cuckoo addressed itself to neither of them but to him, for he has the money. as 1. LRAC no 79.
1610. BLC I 296.
*1617. Piper buries money by fig tree, but neighbor sees him and steals it. Piper discovers loss and goes through town singing that he is going to bury more money with the first. Thief replaces money he stole, hoping to carry off more money later. But piper recovers first money and does not bury any more [K 1667].
BLC III 250. Libro de los ejemplos, no XCII.
as 1. CFAC p. 200.
1620. Cf Mt 1406.
x 1. FRT p. 92 (Visible only to those of ability and who do their duty well. A child cries out that the king has on no suit and then everyone admits it).
*1621. Royal barber has magic mirror in which blots appear to reflect blemishes of character of women who gaze into it. King will marry girl who has no blemishes. But no girl presents herself for trial. This makes all men suspicious and no one marries. Barber tells king only magic his mirror possesses is evil conscience of women. Finally a pure and