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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
Chickpeas planted by ant (Cumulative), 2030 *A.

Child, Cleaning c, 1012; murdered by mother, 781; Newborn c replaced by animal or object, 707; offers bread to snake, 285; sings wrong song, 1735 *A.

Children and ogre, 327; Birds (c) carry flowers to Virgin, 471 *A; desire ogre's flesh, 1149; Each prefers his own c, 247; Eve's c classified by God, *758; exchanged, 975*; more mischievous than Devil, 1149 *A; Mother accused of eating or killing c, 451, 652, 706 *B, 712; of king, 892; Ogre kills his own c, 1119; play at hog killing, 2401; rescued from stream, 707.

Children's blood only can revive servant, 516.

Chimney, Fishing through c, 328.

Choosing tree on which to hang, 875.

Christ and Peter in barn, 752 A; and Peter in night lodgings, 791; and smith, 753; Child carried across stream, 768; delights in benefactions which pass through Virgin, *849 A; grants power to win at cards, *345; Like C between two thieves, *1583; Lunch with C, *1855; rebuked by old lady, 1476 *A, *B; River of blood is C, 471 *A; Sacristan as statue of C, *1787 C; unmarried knew no suffering, *1516 A.

Christ's Passion proclaimed by animals and birds, *243 A; statue tells idler to work, Misc *2.

Christening, Inviting troll to c, 1165.

Christopher carries Christ Child, 768.

Church in Hell, 804*; Inappropriate or stupid use of c ritual, 1840—1844; Moving c, 1326.

Cigar, Sleeping c, 408 *A.

Cinderella, 510.

Classes, Social c fixed by God, *758.

Claws caught in tree cleft, 38, 151.

Cleaning the child, 1012; horse, 1016.

Clearing out manure, 1035*.

Clever boy, 1542; Elsie, 1450; Fox c and not c, 1—65, 66—69; horse, 531; maiden kills thieves, 956 B; man, 1525—1639; peasant girl, 875; youth, 920—929, 935; wren becomes birdking, 221.

Cleverest person in world, 461.

Cleverness and gullibility, 1539.

Cliff breaker, 301.

Climax of horrors, 2040.

Climbing contest, 1073; from pit on other's back, 31;