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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

mistaken for p, 36; has no need to preach, 1826; Hungry p, 1775; in church on ox, 1786; in sack to Heaven, 1737; promises satisfactory weather, 1830; put to flight during sermon, 1785; Stingy p, 1736; takes drink during sermon, 1827; with fine voice, 1834.

Parson' stupid wife, 1750.

Partner, Unjust p, 9.

Partnership of Honesty and Fraud, *847; of man and ogre, 1030—1059.

Passion of Christ is nothing compared to marriage, *1516 A; of Christ is proclaimed by animals and birds, *243 A.

Patch, Fool fails to recognize self after seeing another with p like his, *1683 B.

Paternoster, 1199.

Patience rewarded, 947 *A; Toad, blackbeetle, or tortoise has extreme p, *288 C.

Patient Griselda, 887.

Paw, Splinter in p, 156.

Pawn of foolish wife, 1385.

Pays, Cap p bills, *1846.

Peace among animals, 62.

Peaches, Eating p removes horns, 566.

Peacock, Wedding of turkey and p, 224.

Pear, Enchanted p tree, 1423.

Pears, Eating p removes horns, 566; Fox eats p, 1; Golden p, 301; stolen by novices or sacristan, 1840 *A.

Pearls fall from combed hair, 403.

Peasant as parson, 1825; Clever p girl, 875; in Heaven, 802; woman at market, 1382, or greedy, 751.

Peasant, See farmer.

Peasant's, King and p son, 921.

Peck of grain for each sheaf, 1155.

Peddler, Lover disguised as p, 900 *A.

Peg, Fitting p in hole, *1705.

Penance, Hard p and green twigs, 756.

Penny always returns, 745.

Perch, Race of salmon and p, 250.

Persecution because of beautiful wife, 465.

Peter admits men married once but not twice, *1410; as helper, *515; drinks, *846; in bag, 330; makes pun on cuarto, 1940 *G; scorns horseshoe, 759; struck for praying, 791.

Peter, See Christ.

Peter's favorite fruit, *792; mother falls from Heaven, 804; Sitting in P chair, 330.

Picture is painted of dream girl, 516; of Beauty, 531; reveals identity, 506, 881.

Pie, Money in p, 754 *B, 910 B.

Pif Paf Poltrie, 2019.