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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90

Since this time cocks sleep no longer than an hour at a time, and watch to warn their fellows [A 2421.6]. an 1. WBVC p. 196 no 2. Wolf cites this tale from Relaciones. Justa y. Rufina, p. 239—40.

*207. Cock tells ass to kick whenever a load is put upon him. Ass does so and ox is made to work in his stead. Ass tells ox of the trick. Ox tries it and ass is made to work. Ass tells ox latter is to be killed; so both go to work. Farmer asks them who was the originator of the mischief and they tell him it was cock. Farmer kills cock [K 1631].
Mexico: Boas-Arreola JAF XXXIII 13 no 3.
nc 1. ECPE no 260.
*208. Duck persuades cock to cut off his crest and spurs. Cat attacks cock and duck cries, "Peace, gentlemen, peace!" [K 1065].
an 1. COAR p. 61 = CST p. 172.

[220—223 Social organization of animal and bird].

222. Mexico: Radin-Espinosa JAF XXVIII 390 no 1.
an 1. ECPE no 248. as 1. CFAC p. 167 (Cat in beehive. Bee seeks help from dog, goat, sheep, ox, hen and ass, but all are afraid of cat except ant who crawls through cat's fur and blinds cat). oc 1. ECPE no 246. Cf Mt 34. 2. ECPE no 247.

[224—242 Bird].

225. an 1. ECPE no 220 (Jackdaw). Cf Mt 60. as 1. LRAC no 172 (Bittern). ex 1. ECPE no 219: Mt 60 + Mt 225. oc 1. ECPE no 218 = ECRC no 3.
*229. Wolf preys on sheep. Eagle warns shepherds. Crow rebukes eagle [J 715].
as 1. CFAC p. 236.