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R. S. Boggs, Index of Spanish Folktales.
FFC 90
Guatemala: Recinos JAF XXXI 478 Historia de Pedro de Ordimales. Mexico: Mason JAF XXVII 163 no 6. New Mexico: Espinosa JAF XXIV 430 no 11; XXVII 128 no 12; 128 no 13. Porto Rico: Mason-Espinosa JAF XXXIX 285 no 21; XXXV 55 Pedro se come las pajarillas del cabro: el muerto en el árbol; XXXIX 365 no 58; 369 no 63; 359 no 51.
an 1. F. Caballero, Clemencia (German) p. 362; cf F. Wolf, Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akad. 31, 184 (1859) Christ, St. Peter and the Player, and R. Köhler, Aufsätze 1894 p. 63; see BP II 181.
A. [ar] 1. PMC p. 153: I, II b c d, III a, IV a *d *g. as 1. CTA p. 101: I, II *g, III a, IV *d *e *f. 2. LRAC no 46: II b (Old lady) c, III a. 3. LRAC no 118: Mt 785 + Mt 330 A II b (Soldier) *g e *h, III b, IV *e *h. oc 1. ECPE no 168: Mt 785 + Mt 330 A II b (Soldier) d *i c *j, III a b, IV *e *i. 2. ECPE no 169: Mt 785 + Mt 330 A, II b (Soldier) *h d c, III a, IV a *i.
B. an 1. CPA p. 73 = SPE 1852 p. 53 = WBVC p. 202 = CPE p. 18: Mt 326 *A + Mt 330 B II e, III b, IV *e *j. 2. ECPE no 171: II e *k, III b (Returns).
331. Cf Mt *340.
332. I *c Poor man shows Death hospitality [Z 117]. *d He accepts Death's proposal to become a doctor [Z 118]. *e Devil promises to help boy as doctor to gain money to go to seminary. In return, boy must promise not to conjure Devil out of people after he becomes priest, and to warn Devil if his wife is looking for him [M 218].
III *c He causes Devil to flee by telling him that his wife is looking for him [T 251].
IV *c Death carries him off when his "house" (body) goes to pieces [Z 110].