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suggested Frank. "I don't believe he'd like us to touch his game. He'll probably be back before it gets very late."

"And maybe he'll be hungry too," said Bob. "We'll cook enough to save him some."

"Then let's get right at it!" suggested Sammy. "Those counterfeiters will have to wait," and he laughed. All the boys were feeling better now, especially since they were in their own camp. And if Mr. Jessup was not there, they had good old dog Maybe, who frisked about, glad of the company of the boys. It must have been hard for him to stay behind when his master left.

Sammy and his chums were soon busy over the meal. They had been camping before, several times, and were getting to be quite expert. One made the fire, another got the meat and potatoes ready, while Frank opened a can of baked beans to warm in a frying pan over the stove, the fire being made there instead of outside, though later the boys intended to kindle a camp blaze in front of the cabin.

"Well, this is something like!" exclaimed Sammy, as they sat about the table, after supper, the lamp glowing on their shining faces.

"That's right!" said Frank.

"It's nice and cozy in here," agreed Bob.

They had kindled a fire outside, and sat about that for a while, waiting for the sound of Mr. Jessup's return. Then as it grew later, and colder, they went inside.

"He may not come until nearly midnight," said Sammy.

"Oh, well, we won't sit up for him," suggested Frank. "I'm tired and sleepy. I'm going to turn in soon. Maybe will stand guard for us, won't you old fellow?"

The dog barked his answer.

A fire was kindled on the hearth, and the boys sat about this for a while, talking over what had occurred since their arrival