Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/17

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our folks are going to take a big cottage at the shore. It's too big a house for us, for I heard mom say so. But we couldn't get a smaller one. But I'm glad of it, for now there's going to be room for you two fellows. So why can't you come to the shore with me?"

"That would be swell!" cried Frank.

"It sure would," agreed Sammy. "But would our folks let us?"

"The only way to find out is to ask!" declared Bob quickly. "Come on, I'll go around with you and we'll see if they won't let you fellows go."

"First you'd better find out if your mother will want us," suggested Frank, who was quite practical, at times.

"Yes, we don't want to invite ourselves," put in Sammy. "My mother will be sure to ask first what your mother said, Bob."

"All right, then, we can go around to my house, and I'll ask mom. But I know she will want to have you. Say, maybe we won't have some good times together this Summer!"

"Where are you going?" asked Frank.

"To a place called Lighthouse Cove. There's a lighthouse there, and dangerous rocks, a bay, and——"

"Any pirate treasure buried there?" asked Sammy, quickly.

"Ho! Ho! Listen to him!" cried Frank. "There he goes again, making up a mystery before he's even seen the place."

"Well, there might be pirate gold!" cried Sammy, stoutly.

"And you can have a hunt for it, if you'll only come," said Bob.

"Oh, I'll be sure to come if the folks will let me," replied Sammy. "Come on, let's hurry."

The three boys left their other school companions behind,