Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/52

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For a moment Bob and Frank were so startled at not seeing the light flashing out, as it always did after sunset, that they did not stop to think what Sammy's excited words meant. They raced on after him, toward the entrance to the lighthouse, intent only on finding out what was the matter.

"It sure is wreckers," Sammy kept saying over and over again. "Some bad men are trying to get the ship on the rocks, and when she breaks up they'll get all the valuable cargo that comes ashore!"

Then Frank paid some attention to what his chum was saying.

"Hold on there!" he cried. "That's some more of your wild imagination, Sammy."

"Wreckers! Who ever heard of wreckers?" Bob wanted to know.

"I did!" exclaimed Sammy. "I'm sure they've put out the light!"

"How could they?" asked Bob. "Mr. Floyd has been there all the while."

"They—they overpowered him," said Sammy, hesitating a bit over the long word.

"Well, what about his wife and daughter?" Frank wanted to know. "I guess they wouldn't let any wreckers put out the light."

"Mrs. Floyd and Lucy are away this evening," said