Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/54

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"Fellows, we can't run," called Sammy. "Whatever happens we've either got to give the alarm about the light being out, or we've got to go to the tower, see what's the matter, and start it ourselves. We've got to stand our ground."

"Maybe someone from the town will notice that the light's out, and come over," suggested Frank, hopefully.

"They can't see the light from the back, over in town," put in Sammy. "You can only see it from in front, or at either side, the way we are now. The back part of the light is always dark."

"That's so," admitted Bob. "But what can we do? Who is this coming with the lantern?"

They did not have long to wait to find out, for the figure, with the swinging light, was running now. The path was narrow and the boys stepped to one side, slacking in their pace a little.

Then, as the stranger with the lantern came opposite them, Sammy and his chums gasped in astonishment.

The person who ran past them, paying no more attention to the boys than if he had not seen them, was an old man, and as he flashed by, Sammy cried:

"It's the same one—the man who was digging for the gold!"

"So it was!" exclaimed Frank.

"Let's take after him," suggested Bob. "Maybe he's seen the trouble at the lighthouse and is going for help. Then we won't have to go. Let's follow him!"

"No, don't!" cried Sammy Brown, catching hold of Bob's coat.

"Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous!"

"Dangerous? How?"