Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/84

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"May I steer a bit?" asked Bob, when he and his chums had ridden in the big motor boat some distance down the cove toward the bridge, that was not far from the inlet.

"I guess so," answered Silas. "There aren't many craft about now, and I don't believe you'll run into anybody."

"I wish I'd asked him," murmured Sammy to Frank. "But I didn't think he'd let us."

All the boys were eager to take the wheel.

"We can take turns," said Bob, generously. Now that he had permission to do what he had long been anxious to, he was not going to be selfish. "Can't we take turns, Silas?" he asked.

"Oh, I guess so," was the good-natured answer. "It'll be as good a time as any to give you boys some points on steering. No telling when you may have a boat of your own."

"I wanted my father to get one this year," said Bob, "only he said I was too young to run it, and he didn't have time. When I go back I'll tell him I can steer a boat, and maybe he'll get one."

"I hope he does!" cried Sammy, with visions of what fine fun he and his chums would have in a power boat of their own.

"Well, there's a heap sight more to learn about a motor boat than just steering it," said Silas, with a grin, "though