Page:Fairy Tales for Worker's Children.djvu/57

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ride off immediately so that no one can capture Benjamin."

How happy the little grey dog was! In spite of his weariness, he danced with joy, wagging his tail, and started toward the bushes where Benjamin was hidden. Then he saw something dreadful. A man came over the meadow with a dog, which ran straight towards the bushes. The grey dog howled with fright. The blond man looked up, jumped forward and called to the dog, "Keep the man back just a moment, and all will yet be well." At that the dog ran toward the man. The man had reached the bush, with one bound the dog leaped at his throat, bit it hard, did not loosen his hold in spite of cuts and blows.

In the meantime the northerner had taken little Benjamin in his arms, ran hastily toward the wagon, jumped in, and called to the dog, "Follow us, we will wait for you in a safe place." Then he