Page:Fairy Tales for Worker's Children.djvu/68

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limbs, gets special kind of food every day, lives well and happily?"

"Oh no, the old matron always curses at him when he complains that the bread is too hard for his old teeth. And if he asks for a little tobacco, she gets angry and cries that he is unreasonable."

"Why then did Old Jacob work until he was seventy years old, if now when he's old he doesn't even live well?"

"I don't know."

"Because he is stupid. He knows also, just like Mary, that there are fine young gentlemen who do nothing at all and yet live like kings. Do you see now, little imp, that people are stupid?"

"Yes," said Paul sadly. "But I would like to ask you something, dear Mrs. Owl. Why are there rich people in the world?"

"You really ought to be able to answer this question yourself after our talk, little stupid head: Because the poor people are stupid."

"But why are they stupid?"

But now the owl became angry, the same as the fat matron and the brightly speckled hen.

"Didn't I tell you, little imp, you stupid little person, that I have been thinking about this question for years and years? Come back again eighty years from now, perhaps I will answer you then."

"But why . . . ?"

"Quiet!" the owl commanded little Paul. "You have stolen enough valuable time from me already. Go to the Cuckoo!"