Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/141

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JET. 26.] TO MRS. THOREAU. 117

ways than I can describe. He would have been authority on all matters of fact, and a sort of connecting link between men and scholars of different walks and tastes. The literary enter prises he was planning for himself and friends remind me of an older and more studious time. So much, then, remains for us to do who sur vive. Love to all. Tell all my friends in Con cord that I do not send my love, but retain it still.

Your affectionate brother.


STATEN ISLAND, August 6, 1843.

DEAK MOTHER, As Mr. William Emerson is going to Concord on Tuesday, I must not omit sending a line by him, though I wish I had something more weighty for so direct a post. I believe I directed my last letter to you by mis take; but it must have appeared that it was addressed to Helen. At any rate, this is to you without mistake.

I am chiefly indebted to your letters for what I have learned of Concord and family news, and am very glad when I get one. I should have liked to be in Walden woods with you, but not with the railroad. I think of you all very often, and wonder if you are still separated from me only by so many miles of earth, or