Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/464

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I do not so much regret the present condition of things in this country (provided I regret it at all), as I do that I ever heard of it. I know one or two, who have this year, for the first time, read a President s Message ; but they do not see that this implies a fall in themselves, rather than a rise in the President. Blessed were the days before you read a President s Message. Blessed are the young, for they do not read the President s Message. Blessed are they who never read a newspaper, for they shall see Nature, and, through her, God.

But, alas ! / have heard of Sumter and Pick- ens, and even of Buchanan (though I did not read his Message). I also read the " New York Tribune ; " but then, I am reading Herodotus and Strabo, and Blodget s " Climatology," and "Six Years in the Desert of North America," as hard as I can, to counterbalance it.

By the way, Alcott is at present our most popular and successful man, and has just pub lished a volume in size, in the shape of the An nual School Report, which I presume he has sent to you.

Yours, for remembering all good things,


Parker Pillsbury, to whom this letter went, was an old friend of the Thoreau family, with