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MARCH, 1951
VOL. 12
NO. 3
Arthur J. Rees 2
Autosuggestion? Hypnosis—or the work of an ancient god? Unbelieving, skeptical, Edward Chesworth ventured into the spiritual ruins of the Inca culture—and found them as real as the material remnants of its temples—found his mind, his very sanity challenged by an outraged yesterday . . and finally found himself dead, yet dreadfully alive!
Copyright 1925 by Dodd, Mead, Inc. Second North American Magazine Rights purchased from the publisher.
The Music of Eric Zann
H. P. Lovecraft 90
Copyright 1925 by Popular Fiction Publishing Company; copyright 1939, 1943 by August Derleth and Donald Wandrei. Published by permission of Arkham House.
The Dancing-Partner
Jerome K. Jerome 95
Golden Apple
C. H. Liddell 99
In the Next Issue 107
The Readers' Viewpoint 108
Any resemblance between any character appearing In fictional matter, and any person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

Published bi-monthly by All-Fiction Field, Inc., a subsidiary of Popular Publications, Inc., at 1125 E. Vaile Ave., Kokomo, Indiana. Editorial and Executive Offices, 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Henry Steeger, President and Secretary, Harold S. Goldsmith, Vice-President and Treasurer. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Kokomo, Indiana. Copyright, 1950, by All-Fiction Field, Inc. This Issue is published simultaneously in the Dominion of Canada. Copyright under International Copyright Convention and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form. Single copy, 25c. Annual subscription for U.S.A., its possessions and Canada, $1.50; other countries 38c additional. All correspondence relating to this publication should be addressed to 1125 E. Vaile Ave., Kokomo, Indiana or 205 E. 42nd Street, Hew York 17, N. Y. When submitting manuscripts, enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope for their return, if found unavailable. The publishers will exercise care in the handling of unsolicited manuscripts, but assume no responsibility for their return. Printed In U. S. A.