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The famous History of

at another window to her maſter's houſe again.

This was the cauſe of both amazement and laughter, though the gentleman was much aſhamed and confounded to be thus expoſed; ſtill muttering revenge; but Friar Bacon told him, his beſt way was to put up with it all, ſince he had verified both his promiſes, and bid him have a care how he gave a ſcholar the lye again.

The King and Queen well pleaſed with the entertainment, highly commending his art, and promiſing him their favour and protection, took their leave of the Friar returning to London, and he to his ſtudies at Brazen-Noſe-College.


How Friar Bacon put a comical trick upon his man Miles, who pretending abſtenance on a faſt-day, concealed victuals in his pocket a cat in a corner.

FRIAR Bacon kept a man to wait on him, who, though but a ſimple fellow, yet a merry droll, and full of waggeries; his name was Miles, and tho' his maſter and thoſe of the order often faſted on ſet days, Miles loved his guts too well to pinch them and though outwardly he ſeemed to faſt for compliance; he always kept a private