Page:Fantastic Volume 08 Number 01.djvu/119

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(Continued from page 7)

Your publication has a fine name—Fantastic. I believe that I, along with numbers of fellow humans expect and get just those kind of stories when we buy your magazine. I wouldn't want it any different. If a few people are so ostensibly educated that they cannot bend their great minds to the abstract, let them contain themselves with reading a written account of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

Kenneth P. Shingara
Shamokin, Pennsylvania

Funny you should mention Einstein—we've just had several submissions from a man who says his name is Albert Einstein, and the stories are all about relativity. But the return, self-addressed envelope was marked "Matteawan State Hospital," or something like that.

Dear Editor:
Let me congratulate you. The September issue of Fantastic was the best for many a day. I especially enjoyed "Time Squeeze" as this is my favorite type of story, and I can always depend on E. K. Jarvis and Rog Phillips for delightful reading.

I have been an avid reader of science fiction for twenty years and have in my collection quite a few old magazines, so I know people are not feeling nostalgic when they write in to say that there were more good stories in the old Fantastic Adventures and other magazines than there are now. But, as I have said before, science fiction and fantasy change like everything else and I like the new kind too.

Phillip Farr
2930 Main Street
Kansas City, Mo.

A little bit of change is always healthy. But no long-time fan will ever forget the great stories of the past. What we're hoping to do is keep Fantastic a satisfying blend of what is good and new, along with stories on the great old themes by the great "old masters." Our motto is: FMMFS—"Fantastic Magazine Means Fine Stories."