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ment; Avé-Lallemant and Kahle have also been specially useful in connection with the German Gaunerspräche. The dates of quotations have, wherever possible, been finally verified by comparison with the comprehensive and useful appendix to Dr. Brewer's Reader's Handbook.

It may not be out of place to give some indication of the complete scheme (subject to slight modification) of Slang and its Analogues. The work will comprise:—

I. A dictionary of ancient and modern English slang, treated historically, including copious lists of English, French, German, and Italian synonyms, etc.

II. A chapter on the comparative study of the subject; this embraces English cant and slang, French Argot, German Gaunerspräche, Italian Fourbesque, Spanish Germania, and Portuguese Calaõ.

III. A new and exhaustive Bibliography, with copious entries of foreign books treating of the subject.

IV. A list of authorities and references to periodical literature, with full titles and dates as mentioned throughout the dictionary.

V. A complete vocabulary of all foreign slang words and expressions occurring throughout the body of the work, with detailed references to example, page, and column. This will form in itself a comprehensive dictionary of foreign slang.

Note.—A table of abbreviations used in this Volume will be found on page 406.