Page:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 1.pdf/422

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List of Abbreviations, Signs, etc.

Adj. = Adjective.

Adj. phr. = Adjectival phrase.

Adv. = Adverb.

Adv. phr. = Adverbial phrase.

C. c. = Circa, about.

Cf. cf. = Confer, compare.

f. = feminine.

F. or Fr. = French.

Heb. = Hebrew.

imp. = imperative.

int. = interjection.

intr. = intransitive.

It. = Italian.

lit. = literally.

[m.] = Murray (quoted from New English Dictionary).

m. = masculine.

m.e. = Middle English.

m.h.g. = Middle High German.

[n.] = Nares (quoted from).

o.e. = Old English.

o.h.g. = Old High German.

ppl. = participial or participle.

phr. = phrase.

pl. = plural.

pop. = popular.

ppl. adj. = participial adjective.

(q.v.) = quod vide, which see.

subs. = substantive.

trans. = transitive.

u.s. or u.s.a. = United States of America.

When a word is printed in small capitals it should be referred to for further information.