Page:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 3.pdf/119

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sell, bambosh = nonsense; deceit; a hoax, etc.]

French Synonyms.—Donner un pont à faucher (also, thieves' = to lay a trap); dindonner (popular: from dindon = a gull, a gobbler); battre à la Parisienne (thieves': = to cheat; to come the cockney); se ficher de la fiole, or de la bobine, de quelqu'un (popular: to get on with it, i.e., to try to fool); envoyer chercher le parapluie de l'escouade (military: parapluie de l'escouade = the squad's umbrella: to send on a fool's errand; cf., to send for pigeon's milk, etc.); la faire à quelqu'un (popular); faucher (thieves' = to best); enfoncer (familiar: to let in: also to surpass); cabasser (popular); monter des couleurs, le Job, or un schtosse (= to do up brown); faire le coup, or monter le coup, à quelqu'un (popular: = to take a rise); bouffer la botte (military: = to sell (q.v.) or bilk, as a woman refusing congress after receiving the socket-money (q.v.) in advance); bouler (popular: also to whop (q.v.)); être l'autre (popular: = to get left (q.v.)); mettre dans le sac (thieves': = to bag, i.e., to trap); coller or poser un lapin (popular: = to make a hare of (q.v.); also more generally, to bilk (q.v.)); emblémer (thieves': = to stick); faire voir le tour (popular: = to show how it's done; connaitre le tour = to know the game); faire la queue à quelqu'un (popular: = to pull one's leg); tirer la carotte (thieves'); canarder (popular: = to bring down); empaler (popular: = to stick); passer des curettes (popular: = to befool); monter une gaffe (popular: gaffe = a joke, a hoax); jobarder (popular: job = simpleton, and is the same as jobelin); metier en bateau un pante pour le refaire (thieves': = to take a man on); monter un bateau (popular); promener quelqu'un (popular: cf., to take to town); compter des mistoufles (fam.: mistoufle = a scurvy trick); gourrer (popular: = to bosh); affluer (from flouer = to cheat, to diddle); rouster (popular and thieves'); affûter (thieves' = to run down, also to make unlawful profits); bouler (popular); juiffer (popular = to Jew); pigeonner (popular to pluck a pigeon (q.v)); flancher (popular = to kid (q.v.)); faire la barbe (popular = to shave (q.v.)); monter or hisser un gandin (thieves' = literally to hoist a swell); fourrer or mettre dedans (popular = to take in and do for); planter un chou (fam.); être marron (popular); interver dans les vannes (= to let oneself be sucked-up); monter un godan à quelqu'un (popular); griller quelqu'un (popular = to cuckold); passer en lunette (popular); goujonner (i.e.), to hook like a gudgeon); fourguer (thieves' = also to fence (q.v.)); pousser une blague (popular = to cram); paqueliner (thieves'); se baucher (thieves'); balancer popular).

German Synonyms.—Zinkennen an Almoni peloni (= to send one after Cheeks the Marine [q.v.]. Almoni and peloni are used mockingly in combination and also singly for a non-existent person); anbeulen (= to fool); jemanden arbeiten (= to haze, to cram); bekaspern, or bekaschpern, or beschwatzen (= to fool: from Heb. kosaw = to cheat).

Spanish Synonyms.—Disparar (= also to talk nonsense; to