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Foregather, verb. (old).—To share the sexual embrace. For synonyms, see Ride.

Forehatch, subs. (venery).—The female pudendum. For synonyms, see Monosyllable. Also Forecastle.

Foreman, subs. (old).—1. The penis. For synonyms, see Creamstick and Prick. [Cf., Forewoman.]

1647. Ladies' Parliament (q.v.).

Foreman of the jury, subs. phr. (old).—A babbler; one with the gift of the gab (q.v.).

1690. B. E., Dict. of the Canting Crew. Foreman of the jury, he that engrosses all the talk to himself.

1785. Grose, Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue, s.v.

Foreskin Hunter, subs. phr. (venery).—A harlot. For synonyms, see Barrack-hack and Tart.

Forest, subs. (venery).—The female pubic hair. For synonyms, see Fleece.

1573-1631. Donne, Elegies, xviii. Yet ere thou be where thou would'st be embayed, Thou must upon another forest set, Where many shipwreck and no further get

1720. Durfey, Pills, etc., vi., 146. Give me the Country lass, That trips it o'er the field, And opes her forest to the first.

Fore-stall, subs. (thieves').—In garotting, a look-out in front of of the operator, or ugly-man (q.v.); the watch behind is the back-stall (q.v.). [From fore + stall (q.v.).]

Forewoman, subs. (old).—The female pudendum. For synonyms, see Monosyllable.

Fork, subs. (old). 1. A pickpocket. Fr., 'Avoir les mains crochues = to be a light-fingered or lime-fingered filcher; every finger of his hand as good as a lime-twig.'—Cotgrave.

1690. B. E., Dict. of the Canting Crew, s.v.

1785. Grose, Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.

2. (thieves').—A finger. The forks = the fore and middle fingers; also cf., (proverbial) 'Fingers were made before forks.'

English Synonyms.—Claws; cunt-hooks (Grose); daddles (also the hands); divers; feelers; fives; flappers; grapplers; grappling irons; gropers; hooks; nail-bearers; pickers and stealers (Shakspeare); corn-stealers; Ten Commandments; ticklers; pinkies; muck-forks.

French Synonyms.—Les apôtres (thieves': = the ten Apostles); les fourchettes, or les fourchettes d'Adam (popular: = Adam's forks); le peigne d'allemand (thieves': Rabelais).

German Synonyms.—Ezba (= the finger, especially the first or fore-finger. The names of the others are: Godel = the thumb; Ammo = the middle-finger; Kemizo = the ring-finger; Seres, i.e., 'span' = the little finger); Griffling (= also the hand. From greifen = to seize).

Spanish Synonyms.—Mandamiento (= a commandment: cf., Ten Commandments); tijeras (= the fore- and middle fingers; Minsheu (1599) Dictionarie, tijeras = 'small sheares, seizers, snuffers.').