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1725. New Cant. Dict., s.v. Lock, as He stood a queer lock; i.e., He stood an indifferent chance.

1748. T. Dyche, Dictionary (5th ed.). Lock (S.) . . . also a cant word. . . . He stood a queer lock or bad chance.

1785. Grose, Vulg. Tongue, s.v. Lock, He stood a queer lock; i.e. he bore but an indifferent character.

1859. Matsell, Vocabulum, s.v.

5. (venery).—The female pudendum. For synonyms see Monosyllable. Also lock of all locks: cf. Key = penis.

1772. G. A. Stevens, Songs Comic and Satyrical, 88. Here's the lock of all locks, and unlocking the same.

6. See Lovelock.

Lockees, subs. (Westminster School).—Lockhouse.

Locker, subs. (old).—1. A thieves' middleman.

1718. C. Higgin, True Discovery, . . . I am a locker, I leave goods at a house and borrow money on them, pretending that they are made in London.

2. (venery).—The female pudendum. For synonyms see Monosyllable.

3. (nautical).—A bar-room or groggery (q.v.).

To be laid in the locker, verb. phr. (common).—To die. For synonyms see Aloft.

1815. Scott, Guy Mannering, xxxiii. Brown's dead—shot—laid in the lockers, man.

Davy Jones' Locker. See Davy Jones.

Shot in the Locker. See Shot.

Lockeram-jaw'd (or Lockram-jawed), adj. (old).—Thin faced, or lanthorn-jaw'd (q.v.).—B. E. (1690); New Cant. Dict. (1725); Grose (1785).

Lock-hospital, subs. (common).—A hospital for the treatment of veneral diseases.

Locksmith's Daughter, subs. (old).—A key. Also blacksmith's daughter.—Grose (1785).

English synonyms. Betty; blacksmith's daughter (or wife); gilkes (= skeleton keys); Jack-in-the box; screw; sket; twirl. See Jemmy and Thieves.

French synonyms. Une aiguille (popular); un bouton (= master-key); un débridoir (thieves'); un frou-frou (thieves' = master-key); une Josephine (cf. betty); un luctrême (thieves'); un peigne (thieves'); une penne (une plume = a false key).

German synonyms. Bua (Viennese thieves': Heb. bube); Dalme or Dalmer (Dalmerei = lock; Dalmernekef = keyhole); Echeder or Echoder (Heb. echod: zarfes Echeder = French skeleton key); Haupter (= a master-key); Hinterschieber; Posschener maphteach; Kleinpurim (= skeleton keys); Schasklamonis (= a set of skeleton keys).

Dutch synonyms. Draaier; klanker; tantel; troetel.

Italian synonym. Ingegnosa (= witty or possessed of genius).

Lock-up-chovey, subs. (old).—A covered cart.—Grose (1823).