Page:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 4.pdf/350

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Italian synonyms. Bisti; or bistolfo (Fr. bis); baschiera; becchina (Torriano-Florio: = 'a woman's quaint or gear': bacchi = 'certain blazing stars all shaggie, compassed with a long main or hairy fringe'); bella bellina (cf. pretty); cioncia (Florio: = 'a woman's free quaint'); carnafau (Florio: = 'the brat-getting place, or hole of content'); cioncia (Florio); cionno (Torriano-Florio: = 'gullish, silly-witted'; cf. Bit of Foolishness); connino (cf. Cunny); conno (Florio: = 'a woman's privy parts, or quaint, as Chaucer calls it.'); cotale (= What's-its-name); cotalina (= Thing-*amy); facende; ferne; ferale; femora (Florio); fessa (= cleft); fica (= a fig); firiende; forame; fregna or fringa; gabbia, or gaggia (= a cage); golfo di fetalio (Florio: = 'a rugged and bristlie gulf'); grignapolla (used of both sexes); horto de venere (Venus' garden); malforo (Florio: = 'a mischievous hole'); menchia (= sport: cf. Funny Bit); mentole (used of both sexes); monina (= monkey); monte di Venere (= Venus' Hill); monte di ficcule (Torriano-Florio: = 'a woman's Mount-*falcon'); mortaio (= mortar); mozza (Florio: = 'a wench, a lass, a girl. Also a woman's gear or cunnie'); moneta (= Money); natura (Florio: = 'the privie parts of man, woman, or beast'); pettinale (Florio: = 'the privities that have haires upon them'); pinca (feminine of pinco = prick); porcile di venere (Venus' Pig-*sty); potta (Florio: = 'a woman's commodity; whence, potissiare = 'to use or play with'—idem 'roundlie'); pottaccia (Florio: = 'a filthy great cunt'); San Giovanni Bocca d'Oro (used of both sexes); sermolina; serpolina; val cava (Boccaccio: = a cave); val costura; valle di Acheronte (cf. Bottomless pit); valle satalio (Florio: = 'a brizlie, buskie, brackish, hairie, gloomie, cloudie, duskie place; Boccace doth use it for a woman's privie parts'); vergogne (cf. Parts of shame).

Spanish synonyms. Aceitero (= oil-flask); aduana (= custom-house); camino oscuro (= covered-way); camino real (= highway); changa (= joke); Chocho (common); chumino (rare); cicople (= cyclope); ciega (= blind woman); cimenterio (= churchyard); conejera (= rabbit-warren); Conejo; confesionario (= confessional); coño or co[)n]a (classic); cosquillosa (= Miss Ticklish); Cuba (cf. India and la Sénégal); Do bemol (= C. flat); Do[)n]a Fulana de Tal (= Mrs. What's-her-name); espondeo (= spondee i.e. two longs); la fachada (= façade); foco de vida (= Life's focus); fogón (= touch-hole); fortaleza; greta (= crack); grieta (= rift); guerica; huerfana (= orphan); jopo; Juana la loca (= Crazy Jane); lesma; lonja (Exchange); Madre Eterna (= Eternal Mother); Madre Soledad (= Mother Lonely); mata (= bush); miriñaque (= toy); mocosa (= snotty); mofa (= flirt); ostra; paca; Paises Bajos (= Low