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1576. Merie Tales of Skelton, ix. Skelton then caste downe the clothes, and the frere dyd lye starke naked: then Skelton dyd shite vpon the freeres nauil.

1598. Florio, Worlde of Wordes. Dometa, an old worde for a shitten fellow, or goodman turde, for meta is a heape of turde. Ibid., Cacastraccie, a shite-rags, an idle lazie fellow. Ibid., Cacastecchi . . . a shite-sticks.

c.1600. Montgomery, Poems [S.T.S.], 1. 85, 'Flyting.' Halland-shaker, draught-raiker, bannock-baiker, ale-beshitten.

c.1616. Jonson, Epigrams, 'On the Famous Voyage.' Alas! they will beshite us. Ibid. And in so shitten sort so long had used him.

16[?]. Taylor and Shipman, Grobiana's Nuptials, Sc. 7 [MS. (Bodleian) 30, leaf 21]. Is shitten cum shites the beginninge of love? why then, Tantoblin, thou art happye, Grobiana's thyne, the proverbe gives it thee.

1653. Urquhart, Rabelais, 1. iv. Such shitten stuff! Ibid., 1. xi. He pissed in his shoes, shit in his shirt, and wiped his nose on his sleeve.

1656. Muses Recr. [Hotten], 24. Here have I seen old John Jones, From this hill, shite to yonder stones.

1658. Phillips, Mysteries of Love and Eloquence, 169. Q. Why is 'sweet mistress' so usual a complement? A. Because shitten comes shites is the beginning of love.

1662. Rump Songs, ii. 3. That of all kinds of Luck, Shitten Luck is the best. Ibid., ii. 24. For it shit from Portsmouth to Wallingford House.

1664. Cotton, Virgil Travestie (1st ed.), 97. The Shit-breech'd elfe Would shoot like Robin-Hood himself.

1665. Pepys, Diary, 6 Ap. Sir G. Carteret . . . called Sir W. Batten in his discourse at the table to us . . . shitten foole, which vexed me.

1678. Cotton, Virgil Travestie [Works (1725) 80]. Among his Mates, and wishes rather, (And so the Strippling told his Father) For noughty Vermin that would bite him, Or Throstle Neast though't did —— ——.

1647-80. Rochester, The Restoration. Made them shit as small as rats.

d.1704. T. Brown, Works, ii. 180. Knocking a shiting porter down . . . in his own sir-reverence.

1706. Ward, Wooden World, 69. 'A Sailor.' No man can ever have a greater contempt for Death, for every day he constantly shits on his own grave. Ibid. (1718), Helter Skelter. I say, sir, you're a mean shit-fire.

1707. Old Ballad, 'As the Fryer he Went along' [Durfey, Pills, &c. (1707), iii. 130]. The Maid she sh——, and a Jolly brown T—— out of her Jolly brown Hole.

1708-10. Swift, Polite Conversation, ii. The young Gentlewoman is his Sweetheart; . . . They say in our Country, that shitten-cum-shite is the Beginning of Love.

c.1710. Broadside Song, 'The Lass with the Velvet Arse' [Farmer, Merry Songs and Ballads (1897), i. 214]. When E'er she went to sh—— If twas ne'er such a little bit . . . She always wiped it with brown Paper.

c.1714. Swift, Miscell., 'On the Discovery of the Longitude.' Now Ditton and Whiston may both be be-pist on, And Whiston and Ditton may both be be-shit on.

1719. Durfey, Pills to Purge, iv. 112. Shitten come shite the beginning of Love is, And for her Favour I care not a Pin.

c.1731. Windsor Medley, 13. How the old Proverb lyes, that says, Sh——n Luck's good.

b.1749. Robertson of Struan, Poems. To be strain'd in Marriage-Press Is honourable . . . I confess, But never when the Bed's beshit.

1772. Bridges, Burlesque Homer, 96. May I be trampl'd, pist, and sh—t on, If I don't think you're right.

1787. Burns, Death and Dr. Hornbook. Just shit in a kail-blade and send't.

1826. Burton, Mugging Maid [Univ. Songst., iii. 103.? P2] Why lie ye in that ditch, so snug, With s—— and filth bewrayed.

1838. Lucian Redivivus, Paradise Lost, 80. Fearing he had —— himself. Ibid., 82. Don't make a bother, Wish in one hand, and —— in t'other, And which will fill the first, says I, You'll soon discover if you try.

Shivaroo, subs. (Australian).—A spree: see quot.

1888. Bulletin, 6 Oct. Both these fair Toby Tosspots are well-known in the Upper Circles of the Beautiful Harbour, and are seen at Government House shivaroos with the regularity of clockwork.