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values); tenner. £5 = Abraham Newland (q.v.); finnup; fiver; flimsy; lil (or lill); Marshall; pinnif. £1 (and in many cases formerly = £1 1s) = bean (or bien); bleeder; canary; chip; couter (or cooter); dragon; dunop; foont; George (or yellow-George); gingleboy; glistener; goblin; goldfinch; harlequin; horse-sovereign; illegitimate; Jack; James; Jane; Jemmy-o'-Goblin (rhyming); job (or jobe); meg (cf. mag = 1/2d); monarch; mousetrap; ned (or neddy); new-hat; nob; old Mr. Gory; ponte; poona; quid; red-'un; remedy; ridge (or redge); shiner; skin; skiv; stranger; strike; thick-'un (also of 5/-); yellow-boy; yellow-hammer. 10s = half-bean; half-couter; half-Jack: half-James; half-Jane; half-ned (or -neddy); net-gen; smelt; young illegitimate. 7s = spangle. 6s 6d = George. 5s 3d = whore's curse. 5s = bull (or bull's-eye); caroon; cart-wheel; coach-wheel; case; caser; decus; dollar; hind coach (or cart) wheel; Oxford; thick-'un; tusheroon; wheel. 2s 6d = coach-wheel; five-pot piece; flatch; fore-coach-wheel; George; half-case; half-dollar; half-Oxford; half-yenork; madza-caroon; slat. 2s = half-dollar. 1s 6d = hog and a kye. 1s 1-1/2d = loonslate (or loonslatt); hangman's wages. 1s = Abraham's willing (rhyming); blow; bob; bobstick; borde; breaky-leg; button; deaner (or deener); gen; generalise; grunter; hog; jogue; levy; lily white-groat; Manchester sovereign; mejoge; north-easter; oner; peg; teviss; thirteener; touch-me; twelver. 10d = dacha-saltee; jumper. 9d = ill-fortune; picture of ill-luck. 6d = bandy; bender; cripple; croaker; crook; crook-*back; deaner; downer; fiddle; fiddler; fyebuck; goddess Diana; griff-metol; grunter; half-borde; half-hog; hog; kick; kye; lord-of-the-manor; northeaster; pig; pot; sice; simon; snide; sow's-baby; sprat; syebuck; tanner; tester; tilbury; tizzy. 5d = cinqua soldi; kid's-eye. 4d = castle-rag; flag; groat; joe (or joey). 3d = currants-and-plums; threps; threeswins; thrums. 2d = dace; deuce; duce. 1d = D; dibblish; George; harper; pollard; saltee; win; yennep. 1/2d = flatch; madza-saltee; Maggie Rab (or Robb); magpie; make (magg or mec); post; rap; scurrick; tonic, 1/4d = Covent-garden; fadge; farden; fiddler; gennitraf; grig; Harrington; jig (or gigg); quartereen; scrope. Base coin or trick pieces = cap; cover-down; dandy; double-header; flats; fleet-note; fletch (or flatch); gaffing-coin; galley-halfpenny; gammy lour; gray; hard; hardware; kone; mopus; pony; queer; soft-flimsy; snide; stumer.

French synonyms.—Generic. Achetoires; affure; artiche; atout; bathe; beurre; bille; braise; carme; ce qui se pousse; de quoi; douille; foin; galette; galtos; graisse; graissage; gras; huile; huile de mains; jaunets; (or jauniau); métal; miche (or miche de profonde); monaco; mornifle; morlingue; morningue; mouscailions; nerf; noyaux; oignons; os; oscille; patards; pécune; pépettes; pedzale; pèse (or pèze); picaillons; piesto; pimpions; plâtre; plombes; pognon (or poignon); pouiffe; poussier; quantum; quibus;