Page:Farmer - Slang and its analogues past and present - Volume 7.pdf/84

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Rabbit-pie; ragtime girl; rainbow; ramp (Chaucer, Still, Shakspeare); ram-skyt; randy-dandy (or ranty-tanty); rannel (Harvey); rantipole; real lady; receiver-general; rep (or rip); ribaude (ribald, ribold or ribaud); rig (or rigol); rigmutton; rigsby; road (Shakspeare); rover; rump.

Sad cattle (generic); St. John's Wood vestal; sample of sin; Saturday - to - Monday; scolo-*pendra; Scotch warming - pan (= a chambermaid); screw; scrudge; sempstress; shake; shakester; she-familiar; she-napper; schickster (or schiksa); shoful - pullet; Shoreditch fury (Hall); short-heels (Chapman); silk-petticoat (Ward); single-woman (Palsgrave); sinner (Jonson); sister (Dekker); sister of charity; skainsmate (Shakspeare); smock-servant (agent, piece, toy, etc.); soiled dove; sparrow; special; spigot-sucker; spinster (Fletcher, Fuller); spital-whore (or sinner); skit; split-arse mechanic; spoffkins; sporting-piece; sportswoman; squirrel; stammel (or strammel); stand (q.v.); star-gazer; stew; stingtail; strawfagot; street walker; strum (or strumpet: Shakspeare, Florio, Cotgrave); suburban; summer-cabbage; Sunday-girl; swallow-cock; sweetheart; sweetmeat.

Tackle; tail; tailist; tail-trader; tail-worker; tally-woman; tart (or tartlet); tenant-in-tail; tender parnell; termer (or term-trotter); Thais; thing; thorough good-natured wench; threepenny uprighter (Grose); tib; tickletail; tiffity-taffity; tit (or titter); trat (back slang); traviata; treble-cleft; treddle; trigmate (provincial); trillbye (old: trill = the anus: cf. double-barrelled); trollop; truck; trug; trull; trumpery; twang; tweak; twigger; twofer.

Under bed-blanket; under-wear; unfortunate.

Vestal; vestal of Pickthatch; virgin-pullet; vroe (or vrow).

Wagtail; waistcoateer; walking mort; wallop; wanton; warm-'un; week - end girl (or mistress); wench; wench of the game; Whetstone - park deer; whipster; white-apron (Pope); willing tit; wife in water-colours; woman; woman - of- all - work; woman of pleasure; woman of the town; wren; wriggler; wrong-'un.

French Synonyms. [R. = Rabelais.] Accrocheuse (R); agenouillée; Agnès; aimeuse; alicaire (R.: Lat. alicaria); almanach de trente - dix mille adresses; ambubage (R.: Lat. ambubaia); andre; Arthurine; asticot (also = penis); ancelle (Lat. ancilla); autel de besoin.

Bachelière (a student's mistress); badine; bagasse (R.: also baiasse and bajasse); bague; baladeuse; balance de boucher (qui pèse toutes sortes de viandes—R.); balayeuse; baleine; belle; belle de nuit; belle enfant; belle petite; bezoche (R. and ROQUEFORT: besogner + argot termination -oche: also besoche and besochée); la bicherie (generic: la haute bicherie = fashionable whoredom; [la basse] bicherie = slum harlotry); blanc; blanchisseuse de tuyaux de pipe (R.); blanchisseuse en chemise; boîte (also boîte à jouissance, and boîte