Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/359

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PREBENDARIES. 353 Cheyney, succeeded in Sept. 1563, and died about 1570. William Wykeham became prebendary of this stall I ith Aug. 1570. He became dean and bishop of Lincoln. Robert Ramsden, installed loth June 1571. William Chaderton, S.T.P., appointed by patent 5th Nov. 1576^3^ and installed 17th Dec. following. TnoMAsWAGSTAFFEis saidtohave succeeded Chaderton circa 1579. Richard Webster, S.T.P., was installed 31st Dec. 1586, and died about 1605. Richard Hackluyt, installed 4th May 1602. Died possessed of this stall 23rd Nov. 1616, and was buried in the abbey ^^. John Holt, S.T.P., was installed 29th Nov. 16 j 6. He died loth Jan. 1630-31, and was buried in Corpus Christi college chapel, Oxford^ of which college he was president. Louis Way, sometimes written Lodowick Weems or Wemys, S.T.B.j was nominated vice John Holt, and installed 5th Feb. 1630—31. FH^^TH STALL. William Britten or Bretton was appointed the first in this stall, 17th Dec. 1540. Edmund Grindal was installed 28th July 15.52, loco William Bretton ^ He was afterwards successively archbishop of ^'ork and of Canterbury. John- Mokkmax was installed 12th May 1554, loco Edm. Grindal •. John Smith was installed nth Sept. 1554, loco John Moreman^7. Prebendaries of this stall since the settlement by queen Elizabeth. Richard Alvey, S.T.B., was appointed to this stall by the Queen's patent, dated 21st June 1560 ">«. •'^■' Pat. 18 Kliz. p. I. m. 3. ^c Reg. Westm. •'"* Camd. Annalw. ^^ Ibid.

  • Reg. WcHtm. :.H p^t. 2 Lliz. p. 13. in. 5.