Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 2.djvu/17

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federal reporter.

Taft & Lloyd, for plaintiff.

John F. Follett and J. M. Simon, for defendant.

Swing, D. J. This action is brought by the plaintiff, a citizen and resident of the southern district of Ohio, against the defendant, whom the petition avers to be a corporation created by the laws of New York, and an inhabitant of that state, and who, it alleges, did, on the twentieth day of August, A. D. 1878, at the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in consideration of the payment by the plaintiff to the defendant of a premium of $60, by its agent, duly authorized, there make its policy of insurance in writing, and delivered the same to the plaintiff, insuring certain property against loss by fire. That loss has accrued to the amount of $833.62, for which he claims judgment.

The command of the summons issued upon the petition is: “You are hereby commanded to summon the Lamar Insurance Company of New York, (John S. Taylor, agent,) citizen of and resident in the state of Ohio.” Upon the summons the marshal returns: “Received this writ at Cincinnati, Ohio, November 24, 1879, and served the same, by true copy hereof, to John S. Taylor, agent of the Lamar Insurance Company of New York, at 2:35 p. m., November 25, 1879.”

The defendant filed a motion to set aside and quash the service of the summons for the reasons:

First. That the said defendant is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of New York, and is a resident and an inhabitant of said state of New York, and is not a resident or inhabitant of the state of Ohio, or of the said southern district of Ohio.

Second. Said summons was issued against the said defendant as a citizen of and resident in the state of Ohio, which is not true.

Third. The defendant cannot be sued or required to answer in this court.

The question presented in argument, and intended to be raised by this motion, is whether this court can acquire jurisdiction of a foreign insurance company, doing business in this