Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 5.djvu/803

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«ourse there can be tib extraterritorial (operation of a Unitei Biatea statute' as to the diôcliarge of peïsôûal bbligàtioti. 'When the intraterritorial liaw bas granted «iich a discharge as to àll creditors, the foreign crediter auiag ià the dorû«6tic -tribunal is sùbject to ihe Ux fori, and^ his right to sue is ■Qe'pendent thefrëôn. The plaintiff in thiisuit had a ôause.of diction againSt the def enàaîit.' The plaiûtiff was a non^ireBï- idëiit and citizen of Spftiti, Sind as such cOuld have recôvtfred Judgment. Bat defeûdaùt aivailed himself of pro-?i8ioûB' of the bankrupt act under which the plaintiff oould, bj^'^pirofer proeeedings, have proved bis deinand and ahared in dividends niade.' He elected not>tô d-i^so; and th«ref ore his dôinaûd' is dîficharged as to thîs defendit, «0 far ee the United Stfttes lavy operates; that 'is,' "wlthifi the territorial limitH ■ ©f ' the tînited States. The disehftïgeiin bankruptcy is- VAlid,' in the cibseiioe of fraûdy in'iwhatë'^eï: cOutt of thie United Statei a suit is broùght, àlthôughit niay nbt protect the tïëfendànt from a Suit Blfought iniaforeign jtirisdiotioni if he ^t»tiid be found therein. The demunîeif tû^this special answer otEick- «rmaû is oVerrtiledl! -! ■ •' :■ ' . , m ���In jte Bjornstad, Bantoaptfc �(Diatrict Court, W, D. Wisoon^in. January 26, 1881.) �1; Composition PROCEEDiN&s^biBCHÀKflE. • �A diacbarge f roîn ail de|l)^9by means of. composition proeeedings is a dischargeiwithin the m'çanipg of section 5116 of the Revised BtsV utes relating to the discharge of a voluhtary bankrupt. — [Bd, �In Bankrugtôy. AppliCatibn for Disoharge. 'Eîi/M8 B. Sm.i% for bankriipt. i, �Lewi8,Leù)ïs a Hai6yfdvereàiiov& objectiag, >: i Jv? �'" BcNi«r, D: J. ' From *he stîpùlatioii of facts in this oasô'it appears that the bankrupt îfiled bis voluntary petition in bankrnptby,"ànd waS djily>deOi«(rôd a< bankrupt, and his,s ^aid a fraction over 1 5 pef cent, of his • debte,' but 'haS obtained th'e ����