Page:Ferrier's Works Volume 3 "Philosophical Remains" (1883 ed.).djvu/477

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november 1856.

those which precede, and may serve as a basis to those which are to follow. In particular, I have endeavoured to present a distinct conception of what, in my opinion at least, is the proper vocation of metaphysical philosophy. (See Introduction, § 39, p. 32.) As my opinion as to the proper vocation and business of philosophy happens to differ considerably from that generally entertained by the philosophers of this country, I shall take this opportunity of bringing forward some of the grounds on which I venture to think that philosophy is properly the rectifier, and not the ratifier, as our common-sense philosophers believe her to be, of the deliverances of ordinary opinion. I shall endeavour to show you that in standing forth as the corrective of ordinary thinking, philosophy merely follows the analogy of all the other sciences. But reserving for subsequent discussion the details embraced in these Institutes, I shall take this opportunity of laying before you certain very general but fundamental views which I venture to entertain in regard to philosophy or metaphysics (for I use these as convertible terms), and from the exposition of which you will distinctly perceive in what respect my system stands contrasted more particularly with the antecedent philosophy which has been generally taught in this country.

7. I commence by requesting your attention to a distinction which may be said to be at the root of all science, the distinction between the real and the