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Fidelia would be there; she would be with bare neck and bare arms in a beautiful dress close about her body; and her hair would be arranged with an ornament and her skin would be so white and pink.

It would be warm, with shaded, colored lights and with music; and David would clasp Fidelia in the dance; and after that night—Alice was sure—David would never be hers again. And she was so sure of this that, conversely, she was sure that until then she would hold him.

She was giving a skating party, a week before the dance; a dozen Tau Gamma girls had come down to her home for the afternoon bringing as many men. The lake had frozen smooth and there was fine skating. By jumping little ridges, you could go as far out as you wanted, mile after mile; but every one was warned not to leave the shore stretch. For a strong wind was working around to the west; and there was always a current under the ice.

Toward dusk, Lan Blake blew a horn to call everybody in for hot coffee and tea. He hurried it a little for several were skating far out and he got nervous about the ice which was cracking loudly.

Some came at once; some stayed out; then everybody but one was in. "It's Fidelia, Alice," said Myra.

Alice had known she was not there. The ice was definitely going out then.

Dave, who had on his skates, spun about and rushed to the break in the ice and jumped it. Alice, who had taken off her skates, ran after him and tried to jump the break but went into the water and was