Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 5.pdf/23

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S. + bestrel. Staple currency of California made of. "Tivela stultorum (Paslydesina crassatelloides, be calls it), cut into disks or buttons from 1/4 to 1 inch diameter. pierced in center, string on stringer made from immer back of wild cotton or will "weed, or wory For of silver, of Abelove. their gold made (Holiotis) of various species. Strings of both and worn as ornaments and sacrificed as offerings on death of prociment persons... Stephen Powers "Tribes of California," Boutrib to. N. am. Ethnology, vol. II, 336-338, 1877. No hole come and above pp. "boncave- convex disks much used by both ancient and modern tribes of beliprina Arifona and New Mefics. I essayed at one time to pur- chase a long necklace of there houvely orvamaits from a Navajo Judian in Han keeping arijona, but. soon discovered that it was beyond my reach, ammy best mule was. hardly as sidered a pain exchange for it. These