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drew a big hand, but the Kid's desperate attempt to come back and regain his title appealed to the crowd's emotions and Roberts got an ovation.

The weights was announced as 194 for Kid Roberts and 196½ for Miller, who likewise seemed to have a bit more height and reach than the Kid. The Battler's muscles bulged like a wrestler's and he was as hairy as a chimpanzee, one of his trainin' methods apparently bein' not gettin' shaved for a month before the mill. Against this cave man, the Kid's white, clean-cut body stood out under the glarin' lights over the ropes till it was plain to the worst roughneck in the crowd why the sport writers had christened him "the Adonis of the ring." Miller's handlers eyed the Kid sharply when they come over to examine his bandages, prob'ly lookin' to see if the dope had worked on him yet. I winked and grinned mysteriously at 'em, and they went back to their corner lookin' serious.

At the sound of the bell Kid Roberts was out of his corner like a flash, meetin' Miller before that baby was half-ways to mid-ring. The Kid shot in two sizzlin' lefts to the face and then ripped a hard right to the body. Miller staggered, and the crowd cheered wildly. The Battler then shook his head and dove into a clinch, poundin' Roberts hard on the kidneys. He suddenly switched his attack to the head, and the Kid went back against the ropes with Miller on top of him, borin' in with both gloves workin' fast for the wind. The referee broke 'em and both missed rights to the jaw. Kid Roberts waded in again, hammerin' Miller about the body with rights and lefts. Miller appeared to be