Page:Fighting blood (IA fightingblood00witw).pdf/367

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"What do you mean, what do I mean?" says Nate. "You ought to be in the midst of a nightmare in bed instead of fussin' around this trap at this hour of the mornin'! Now you'll be a dead man all day to-morrow and won't be able to work out. That ain't playin' the game with me, kid. If this Long slaps you from under your title, you won't get the money for your next fight and if you don't get the money, where do I get off? You shouldn't ought to be so selfish, Gale, you ought to remember that every time you take a lickin' it hurts me!"

"I'm sorry if it offends you when I get punched in the nose, Nate," I says. "But I think I can promise that will never happen no more after my little debate with Battling Long. Unless I am greatly mistaken, that will be my last fight!"

"Blah!" sneers Nate. "You're dizzy! I've heard that stuff from you before, but——"

"But this time it goes!" I butt in. "Nate, I have just fell into a thing which will make me a million bucks before I get through with it and if you don't think it will you're crazy!"

"Listen," says Nate, in open disgust. "If I didn't know different I'd swear you was a hop-head, no foolin'. You got more ideas than Burbank. First thing you know you'll get pinched for tryin' to get blood out of a stone or somethin'. What are you doin' in this joint, anyways?"

For answer I poured out a glass full of my newly invented drink and handed it to him. Nate sniffs it and eyes me suspiciously.