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O wilt thou grant me thy horſe and apparel,
And I'll go to London and anſwer the quarrel,
My horſe and furniture thou wilt have,
If that, Mr. ſhepherd, my life thou wilt ſave. etc.

The ſhepherd got on the Biſhop's gown,
And rode away ſtraight for London town;
And when that he came to that large place,
He alighted down beſide his Grace. Derry, etc.

What now, Mr. Biſhop are you come to ſee,
Whether you now are to live or to die?
or if that you don't anſwer me aright,
our head from your body ſhall be taken ſtraight. etc

Now, firſt, You muſt tell me when on my ſteed,
With a crown of pure gold upon my head,
With all my nobility, joy, and great mirth,
You must tell me, to one penny, what I am worth. etc.

The next you muſt tell me, without any doubt,
How long I'll be riding the world about;
Find my third queſtion flight you muſt not,
You muſt tell me, O Biſhop, what is my thought. etc.

Our Saviour for thirty pence was ſold,
Among the Jews both barren and bold;
And nine and twenty's the whole price of thee,
(illegible text) ſure thou'rt one penny worſe than he. etc.

Riſe up with the ſun, go about with the fame,
And twenty-four hours will bring thee again;
And then I will tell thee without any doubt,
That thou haſt ridden the world about. etc.