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Where Highways Cross

tewed for ye iver sin' ye wor a lad. Owd Mally mooänt be forgotten."

She placed the jug of ale on the table with hands that trembled somewhat. Hepworth looked up at her quickly. The old woman's bright blue eye twinkled with an unshed tear, and round the wrinkles of the grim mouth there ran a sudden quiver of emotion. Hepworth suddenly comprehended matters.

"Mally, Mally!" he cried. "How can you say such things? As if I could ever forget you! Why, Mally, I look on you as the best friend I have."

"Ye'll niver find no truer," said Mally, and went away.

Presently Hepworth heard her rating the women in the kitchen. Her voice rose and fell in measured scoldings for a full five minutes.

"Poor old Mally," said Hepworth. "She's a faithful creature, and she loves me. No, I couldn't find a truer friend than Mally."

He finished his dinner and went out into