Page:Fletcher--Where Highways Cross.djvu/61

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said Hepworth, after a time. "I am very pleased with you."

Elisabeth looked up and coloured slightly at this word of praise.

"I am very glad, sir," she answered.

"I don't think you have been used to that sort of work," he said, somewhat diffidently. "At least, not to do it yourself."

Elisabeth made no answer.

"I hope you are quite comfortable here," he said. "Old Mally is rather rough, I know, and perhaps you—"

Elisabeth interrupted him hastily.

"I am very comfortable, sir, indeed I am—and Mally is very kind to me," she said. "Nobody could be kinder—and I'm glad I give you satisfaction. It was very good of you to engage me as you did—I wanted some help badly enough!" she added, with a sudden burst of confidence.

"Yes?" said Hepworth. "Then I am glad, very glad, Elisabeth. And if—perhaps I could help you further?"