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Thou fragile flower! if thou hast brought
    His image, too beloved! to me;
It is because I link his thought
    With every object that I see!
I watch the morning’s rosy light
    Redden amid the dewy air;
I watch the silent stars at night;
    But only meet his image there.

Yet he is false! he loves me not!
    He leaves me lone and wretched here;
Ye Heavens! how can they be forgot,—
    Vows that he called on ye to hear?
And yet, I never asked a vow;
    Doubts, fears, were utterly unknown;
The faith that is so worthless now,
    I then believed in by my own.

I read his heart by mine! and deemed
    Its truth was clear, its choice was made;
The happiness I only dreamed,
    How bitterly has it been paid!
Breathe, ye soft flowers, my long despair!
    But tell him, now, return is vain;
My heart has had too much to bear,
    Ever to be his own again.