Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 18, 1907.djvu/244

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Büsching, Wöchentl. Nachr. f. Freunde d. Mittelalters, i, 139; iv, 61.
Folk-Lore Journal, iii, 301.
Folk-Lore, i, app. p. 149 (Catskin variant); iv, 95, 96; v, 86, 216-17, 203 ff. (Irish Story, "Culfin"); 325 (Esthonian version); 344 "The Princess and the Cat" (from N. India); vi, 305, "Ashey Pelt."
Gittée, Contes Wallons, p. 41.
E. T. Kristensen, Æventyr fra Jytland. Copenhagen, 1895. iii, p. 27. No. 4. "Pisk i Aske" (=unpublished story contributed to Cinderella, p. 26. No. 63).
P. de Mont and A. de Cock, Vlaamsche Wonder Sprookjes. Ghent, 1896. No. 19, p. 155. "Van Sloddeken-vuil."
North Indian Notes and Queries, iii (see Folk-Lore, v, 86), "Ganga Ram the Parrot"; "The Disguised Princess"; "The King and the Fairy."
Holger Pedersen, Zur Albanesischen Volkskunde. Copenhagen, 1898. (See Folk-Lore, ix, 344.)
Revue des Traditions populaires, ix, 93.
Rivista di Litteratura Popolare, ii, 149, "La leggenda di Sta. Cesaria"; ii, 265, "Maria Ortighitedda."
A. Seidel, Geschichten und Lieder der Africaner. Berlin, 1896. P. 90, "Die Geschichte von einem Könige und seinen drei Töchtern"; p. 135, "Liebe bis zum Salz."
S. Singer, Schweizer Mārchen (a series of comparative storiological studies on the tales in Sutermeister's collection), Parts I. and II.
M. Wardrop, Georgian Folk Tales, p. 63.
The story of Cinderella, amongst others, is discussed in an Inaugural Dissertation, "Das Motiv von der unterschobenen Braut," von P. Arfert (Schwrerin, 1897).
I may refer those interested in the mediaeval legends upon which I touched in the preface to Cinderella, to Revue de l'histoire des Religions, xiii, 83, 215; xiv, 228 (contes russes traduits par L. Sichler); Melusine, ii, 309-10, 312, 392-97, 446-48; E. Schreck, Finnische Märchen, No. 22 (résumé by Gittée in Rev, des Trad. pop., ii, 332); Edith Rickert, Modern Philology, ii, Chicago, 1904-05, pp. 29, 321, containing the fullest discussion of the Offalich; also to two very learned studies (for copies of which I am indebted to the author) by Dr. A. B. Gough, M.A., namely:
Inaugural Dissertation "On the Middle English Metrical Romance of Emare," Kiel, 1900. "The Constance Saga," Palaestra, xxiii, Berlin (Mayer & Müller), 1902.