Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 18, 1907.djvu/64

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36 The European Sky -God.

water on the rock. The storm follows. After this the armed knight appears and attacks Iwain. They fight till Iwain deals the knight a blow that cleaves his helmet and wounds him in the brain. The knight flees, pursued by Iwain, through the streets of a town and up to the gate of a palace. The knight rides under a sharp iron gate, which is arranged to drop like the fall of a rat trap if one touches the spring. Iwain follows hard after, and his horse accidentally touches the spring. The gate falls close behind Iwain and with its knife edge cuts his horse in two, cutting off the hinder part of the saddle and also the rider's spurs. Another gate at the same time descends in front, and Iwain is imprisoned in a sale. But a damsel, called Lunete, issues from a narrow door and recognises him as Iwain, son of King Urien. She was once sent on a message by her lady to King Arthur's court, and, perhaps because she was not so courteous as a damsel ought to be, no knight deigned to speak to her except Iwain. He honored and served her, and she is glad to recompense him now. She gives Iwain a magic ring that, when the stone set in it is enclosed in the hand, makes its wearer invisible, and she brings him food to eat. Presently men come with clubs and swords, seeking him who slew their lord, Esclados le Ros. They do not find Iwain, for the ring renders him invisible. Lunete's mistress, whose name is Laudine, a most beautiful lady, now enters, weeping for her lord, who is carried on a bier. When the corpse is brought into the hall where Iwain is, it begins to bleed. The men feel confident that the murderer must be hidden there, and they renew their search. When Iwain sees Laudine, he is smitten with violent love for her. He even watches the funeral, so as to catch a better glimpse of her. He refuses to go when Lunete offers to help him to escape. Lunete persuades her lady that she ought to feel no hatred against the knight who slew her husband. She reminds her that the Dameisele Sauvage has sent word that King Arthur is coming within a week to essay the Fountain. Laudine feels that a knight is needed to defend it. Lunete tells her that the knight who slew her husband would undertake to do it. When Laudine learns that his name is Iwain she consents. Iwain is terrified when ushered into Laudine's presence and says that anything she may lay upon him, even death, he will take without ill will. She receives him kindly when he promises to defend the Fountain. Iwain and the lady are speedily married, and there is great joy.

The wedding feast lasts till King Arthur comes to essay the adventure of the Fountain. Kay is assigned to the adventure. The king pours water on the rock, and presently Iwain appears mounted on a powerful horse and over- throws Kay. Iwain then reveals himself to Arthur and escorts him and his knights to the castle, where they are entertained for a week.

When Arthur departs, Iwain is persuaded to accompany him. Laudine does not give Iwain permission to go till he has promised to return within a year. If he does not come back by that time, " her love will turn to hate." She gives Iwain a ring that will protect him from imprisonment and be his shield and hauberk. A year has passed, and Iwain is busy in tournaments. Suddenly he recollects that he has overstayed his time. The same instant