Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/564

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The Folk-Lore Society has lost an exceedingly faithful adherent, and some of us who knew him well a very loyal and true friend, by the death of Mr. James Bruyn Andrews. Every summer he came to London, and amongst the very first things he did was to enquire as to what was doing in the realms of folklore, what new books had been published, and how all the folklorists he knew either personally or by their writings fared. He had always been travelling somewhere, always picking up items of information, always keenly alive to the interest and importance of the lore preserved by tradition. His health was never satisfactory, and, when I saw him in London as usual in May last, I felt that he had aged a great deal. He was, however, as cheerful as ever. He made plans to see me in the country in the summer on his way from Oxford, whither he always journeyed. He left England, however, for a change in con- sequence of his health, and after staying at Aix-la-Chapelle for a few weeks, nursed by his devoted friend and secretary, he passed away on Aug. 27th, 1909.

Mr. Andrews was born on Sept. 22nd, 1842, at New York. He was the son of Mr. Loring Andrews, and on his mother's side belonged to the family of Bruyn, one of the earliest Dutch settlers in New York. After passing a brilliant period of study at Yale he went to the bar, but soon was obliged to give up his work and travel on account of his health. He bought a property at Mentone after his marriage with Fanny, daughter of Mr. Cyrus Field, and he lived there for twenty years. It was here he began his studies in Mentonese dialect and folklore. His principal contributions have been published in France, and he contributed to our own journal some reviews of French books and an article on Neapolitan witchcraft (vol. viii.), and one on devil dances in Ceylon (vol. vii.). It is pleasing to know that Mrs. Wilson is about to collect his scattered contributions to the transactions of learned societies and publish them in one volume. They will be welcomed by many of us for the double reason of their intrinsic worth and their memorial value. Mr. Andrews has, it is under- stood, left ;^5ooo to the Cambridge Anthropological Museum.

G. Laurence Gomme.