Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/208

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The Cult of Executed Criminals.

During this prayer, and indeed the whole of the rosary, the suppliant listens for what is called the echo of the souls, and by the sounds she hears she judges whether her prayer be granted or not. Among good auguries are the crow of a cock, the bark of a dog, a whistle, the sound of a guitar or of bells, a song (especially a love-song), a knocking on a neighbour's door, the rapid shutting of a window, and the rapid passing of a carriage. On the other hand the mew of a cat is a fatal augury for relatives who are travelling. The bray of an ass, a dispute, the sound of weeping or lamentation, and that of water flung into the road are all evil omens. The chance words overheard from passers-by are also very important, and inferences good or bad are drawn from them.

Whatever manifestations are vouchsafed on these occasions appear to be given to the ear only. But the Decollati also walk by night in human semblance, speaking in clipped and broken words, and giving good counsel and warnings. Sometimes they appear white-robed and wandering on the banks of the Oreto. One woman saw some of them in front of their church. A devoted girl, who had them ever on her lips and in her heart, saw them one night clad in long white garments among the poplar-trees outside the Porta San Giorgio at Palermo. At that moment she was assailed by robbers intent on taking a sum of money in gold that she was carrying. She cried out to the Decollati, and they came to her assistance. Only just before, she had left that very money in a shop, having forgotten it, and the Decollati had by dint of repeating behind her "Go back, go back!" made her return and fetch it. A carter who was conveying sulphur from Lercara to Palermo was robbed of a portion of his load by his foreman. When he got to his destination the quantity was found short, and he was required to make it up and was dismissed from his situation. But his wife prayed to the Decollati to clear her husband