Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/265

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Sale of Salvage Stock to Members of the Society : Hints to Collectors of Folklore.

{Ante, pp. 93-101.)

Fuller examination of the salvage stock has revealed the exist- ence of sundry odd copies of single numbers of the serial publications, insufficient to form complete volumes. The Council have decided to offer these odd numbers for sale to members at sixpence each, post-free, with all faults. Applica- tions for these odd copies, and for the remaining copies of the salvage volumes of which a list appears in March Folk- Lore, should be addressed to Mr. C J. Tabor (The White House, Knotts Green, Leyton, Essex), and must be accom- panied by a remittance. The following is a list of the odd copies :

Folk-Lore Journal: Vol. I., Part I.; Vol. H., Parts H., HI., VI., IX., XII., and Part containing index, title-page, etc. ; Vol. III., Parts II., III., and IV.; Vol. IV., Parts III. and IV.; Vol. v., Parts III. and IV.; Vol. VI., Parts II. and III. ; Vol. VII., Parts III., IV., and V.

Folk-Lore : Vol. II., Nos. 3 and 4 ; Vol. IV., Nos. i and 4 ; Vol. VI., Nos. I and 4; Vol. VH., No. 4; Vol. VIII., Nos. 2, 3, and 4 ; Vol. IX., Nos. i, 2, and 3 ; Vol. X., Nos. 2 and 3; Vol. XL, Nos. 2 and 4; Vol. XIII., Nos. i and 2.

I further take this opportunity of making it known that the Council have recently had some leaflets of Hints to Collectors of Folklore printed, which may be obtained gratis from the Secretary by any member anxious to promote the work of collection with increased diligence.

Charlotte S. Burne, President.