Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/498

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The Congo Medicine-Man.

then, of a sudden, she jumped up and ran to a house opposite, climbed over it, and, as she went, pulled out, in her frenzy, handfuls of grass. Her actions showed that she was under the spell of the fetish, which had taken possession of her. The same operation was repeated on the boy, but, being too young to know what was expected of him, he sat stolidly still, and at last was replaced by an older boy, who very quickly re-enacted the girl's performances. The mbambi fetish was then regarded as a member of the clan, and was expected to withdraw his displeasure from his "relative." The patient, however, was never cured of his disease, and died a short time after the above ceremony.

7. Ngang' a mpungu,—(mpungu, mighty, all-powerful). This nganga owns a luck-giving bag of charms.[1] This nganga is supposed to have the power of making his clients favoured by women, slaves, and trade, and also by his family and friends. Those who by us are regarded as being the special favourites of fortune are regarded on the Lower Congo as being in possession of the mpungu charm, or sole image. The price of this charm is one slave, and, as only the rich can give that price, the idea is consequently fostered that such a fetish really gives good luck to its happy owner. The nganga can not only impart good luck to his clients, but, if paid, also remove good luck from any one and overwhelm them with misfortune. He has only to tap the sole image and hold it up and down three times and hang it outside his house, and away its spirit will fly to ruin the person against whom it has been incited.

8. Ngang' a zumbi. Should a town desire to have good luck in health, in trading, in breeding animals, and in its rivalry with other towns in hunting, farming, etc., the inhabitants contribute towards feeing a ngang' a zumbi

  1. Vol. xx., pp. 43–4. The bundle of mpungu may also contain some albino's hair.