Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/542

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500 Collectanea.

with a he-goat." " When day broke the fowl-house was opened, the goat-house was opened. Then the Jerboa said, — " They are saying the fowls are to be counted." And the Hyaena said, — " When the fowls have been counted, the goats, will they count them also?" The Jerboa said, — "So I heard them saying." When the fowls had been counted, all were there, the Jerboa had not eaten any. It was said, — "Let the goats be counted." When the Hyasna heard (this), he said, — " Oh, Jerboa, I am taken short." So he went out behind the house. So the Jerboa said, — "Oh, do you see the beginning of his treachery?" When the goats had been counted and one found missing, the youths were called. It was said, — " Come quickly and follow the Hyaena." So they followed, calling, — " Hyaena, come here (and see about) the business of your marriage." But he said, — "No, no, I give (it) up." So it was said, — -" Very well. It is known what he has done, follow him, shoot him." When he had turned around and had seen that he was being followed with bows, he bolted, and saved (himself) only with difficulty. He said, — "It is between me (us) and the Jerboa." He said, — " But, as for the Jerboa, I (we) shall meet (or quarrel) with him." Well, that is the thing which caused his (their) quarrel with the Jerboa. The reason why the Jerboa runs from the Hyaena (is) because of (the fear of) revenge.

28. Why the Donkey lives in the Town. (G. B.)

Of all the beasts of the forest the Donkey was the greatest, so he said. He said, if he went to the forest, (of) the beasts of the forest that he would kill there was no end. The Hyaena said, — " Oh, no, I am the greatest." Then the Donkey said, — " Hyaena, go to-morrow and find out where the beasts have assembled. Then come and tell me." The Hyaena said, — "Very well," In the morning the Hysena went to look for the place where the beasts had assembled. When he had gone, he came upon the Elephant, the Buffalo, the Deer, and the Water-buck. The beasts had assembled in force, all had come to one place. Then the Hyaena returned, and told the Donkey. So he told her to go in front, and take him to the place. They went on, and on, and on, until they came to the place. Then he said, — "Hyasna, go- back